Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Oh, God. I am so clever, combining words like that. Because I in fact came up with Brangelina, don't you know. Those bitches must've overheard me talking about it somewhere and stolen it. Oh course that's what happened! Skeptical, you are? (Yoda alert!) Well.... psh....


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How much do I love Regina Spektor? This woman is so inspiring, her music is so original and fresh, and different.

Well, I just realized this post isn't going to be so incredibly inspiring. But please, read on.

The piano music she writes... it just blows me away. And her, as a person. She looks so delicate and sweet, but then this huge, striking voice comes out when she opens her mouth. I don't really know.... how to describe her music. So just... watch these youtube videos! I swear, you won't be sorry.

A cover of "Real Love" written by John Lennon. I hate to admit this... but what the heck. I actually cry when I listen to this song. It's just so unlike all the other shit in the music world, it's otherworldly. And so full of emotion. And she even makes messing up look cute: "I fucked it up yesterday too!" and "Sorry, Mr. Lennon!" The song is actually on Instant Karma, the Lennon tribute album that comes out... today, actually! Sweet, now it'll be on limewire... Right. Blog. Focus. Ok.

Next up: "Fidelity" live. This is so incredible amazing, I love it even more than the original.

How many artists can honestly say that sound just like the album when they're live? Not many, my friends. Case in point: Panic! At the Disco. Ewwwwwwwww. I CRINGE at the thought, of the horror I experienced watching some show where they performed. I couldn't sleep for weeks!

But back to Regina. Even after all these years in the US, she just can't shake that kooky Russian accent, and I must say, I love it. It's quirky, as is she. And in interviews, she's so shy, but put her on a stage, and she's cussing like a sailor! It's brilliant (ooooh, Brit-speak). One more video, I swear, just one:

She's at a concert and she totally screws up, and only she could make it look so perfect.

Warning: She says "fuck" like 5 times, so you might not want to play this if the little kiddies are running away.

She's an inspiration to not just pianists, but all musicians.

Oh, and her guitar's pretty too.

Currently listening: "Samson"- (you guessed it!) Regina Spektor

Screw this Fleur thing. As much as I love that name, it's just not me.

I'm back to just plain A.


1 comment:

Emma said...

I LOVE HER. You have fab taste. God it's hard to sing her songs, but I'm auditioning for glee club next year (I'm a geek) and I think I might sing either "Samson" "Better" or "Baobabs" if my friend Stewart will play the piano for me.