Thursday, June 28, 2007

Dear people/ person who reads this:

2 week hiatus. Vacation. See ya!

Listen: "Alfie" by Lily Allen



a said...

have fun!

Emma said...

I do love that song. Enjoy thyself!

Snookums said...

Ah, Lily Allen, how do I love thee?
Let me count the ways:

1) Anyone who gets away with singing about her ex being a two-timing numbskull and how depressed she was and makes a hit song out of it is cool in my books.

2) Haha, London (oh, excuse me, I mean, LDN) is sooo glamourous to everyone, but listen to this song and then you're a bit iffy. Power of reasoning; yet another reason to love this chicky.

3) She's quite pretty and only the best can pull of prom-like dresses and running shoes. Low fives all around.

4) "Oh, oh, dearie me. My little brother's in his bedroom smokin' weed." Enough said. No? Watch the music video. I have a fear of Muppets now.

Regardless of that, I hope you have a good time on blogging hiatus, "A." (I know your name's Anna, but "A." just seems too cool.
Thank you for the comment.

Lovin' your blog.
Keep at it!