Monday, June 11, 2007


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I was reading my two, yes two (I didn't discover it until 2 months before it went kaput. Believe me, I was pissed) issues of ELLEgirl and my wounds were ripped open again. I realized just how far it outshone any other magazine out there. Nothing currently in circulation can even hold a candle to our late, beloved ELLEgirl.

It truly encouraged us to "dare to be different." It didn't feature your same old blonde starlet on every cover. It had offbeat, hilarious, quirky writing written by offbeat, hilarious, quirky people. I could read about bands in their that would NEVER have been mentioned in Seventeen. For example: the last issue *tear* featured Be Your Own Pet. The Music Issue featured Sleater-Kinney, in another issue they reviewed both Tilly and the Wall AND Regina Spektor. Hellllo. What band does Seventeen feature? Good Charlotte or Hilary Duff. Ewww.

It had a fresh approach to beauty and fashion. It guided us, gave us general ideas, but never had features like, "APPLY THIS MAKEUP TO WAY TO CONTOUR YOUR NOSE TO LAND THE GUY," or "WEAR THESE SEXY CLOTHES SO HE THINKS YOU'RE HOT." No! It saw girls as unique, beautiful individuals who had other interests BESIDES guys. Yes, it had a 'Guys" section at the back, but it was minimal, and always funny, and real.

When I discovered ELLEgirl, I thought, "Wow, a magazine for a REAL girl! This is so awesome!" It was like the editors understood me, knew exactly what I wanted in a magazine. ELLEgirl was for the girl who maybe felt different, but in a good way. The girl who was insanely cool, off-beat, who preffered Salvation Army to Abercrombie and Fitch every day. Who wanted to be a strong, independent individual, not just another example of teenage conformity.

I have yet to find a magazine that I have loved with all my heart as I did those two blessed, glorious issues of ELLEgirl. Am strongly considering stealing back copies from my library. Shh, quiet now. Don't tell!

I still don't understand why this magazine went kaput. It was booming! Subscriptions were up, as were ads..... I really can't understand it. It left me with a black hole in my heart, and I harped and complained for literally months afterwards.

I will always love you ELLEgirl. COME BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!!!!!!

Currently listening: "Say Anything (Else)"- Cartel

Fleur! (my adopted name, ain't it SPLENDIFEROUS?)


Sarah Carson said...

OMG ME TOO!! how weird i was totally going to do a post like this as well lol but god, i miss it!!! i've become a teenvogue girl now, and i don't care, but ellegirl was about so much MORE than fashion, lol. i loved it. i have about 2 years of american and 2 years of british, both went kaput, goddammit! great post! i always refer back to my trusty ellegirls times of trial! x

discotheque confusion said...


don't make me cry, it just seemed to vanish all around the world, because the british one discontinued, much to my horror, seeing as I had just got a subscription. I think a petition should be started, because lots of people seem to feel the same way!

S xx

molly said...

ME TOO!!!! i discovered it the month before its...death (shudder) but i managed to buy a lot of older issues secondhand
it was SOOOOOOOOO great
why did it end??? i do not understand

thanks for the arctic monkeys tip! ill have to check it out

OH MY GOD i cant believe your granparents knew jack nicholson!!
er...could they hook me up?