Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm just as sad as the puppy.

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I know that everyone does this all the time, and I now understand why. I'm going to have to take a blogging break, and I HATE HATE HATE HATE to do that, because I love blogging and don't want to lose any of my approximately three readers. But today was only the third day of school, and I'm already being sucked into a black hole of work. Actually, I'm being sucked into a black hole called AP US History. I play volleyball and I'm in marching band in the fall, and that's hard enough. But on top of that, this year is junior year, which I hear is a bitch, and I have a 3-page-outline on a president every week, plus an outline of a thirty page chapter, 20 questions, and terms and definitions due every week, plus a test nearly every week. My teacher tells us that it's all "mandated by the college board," but I kind of think that's bull. This weekend is blessedly three-day, so maybe if I finished my teetering mountains of work, I'll post a little, but I'm just not sure. I'll still be reading and commenting on other blogs, and it would be super awesome if when I came back, people still remembered me and read me. It's late and I'm tired and pissed off and sad and I just watched Amelie, which doesn't relate to any of those said feelings, but I thought I'd throw it in there. you should check it out.

Stay classy, blogosphere!



molly said...

wow your workload sounds insane! good luck!

Anonymous said...

ugg sucky (APs are so stupid and pointless), but you will prevail and i'll def be waiting for you to come back, you're absolutely too hilarious for me to forget about you! :) love amelie, nino is like a perfect oddball guy

Anonymous said...

Oh, god, that hair comment just made my day! Or, night. Whatever.

I've seen Amelie--actually, before you sent me thatI just bookmarked it on Amazon. Creepy!--but I'm definitely Netflixing A Very Long Engagement as I type.

Jaclyn said...

ugh your work load does not sound fun. I start school on Tuesday and am not looking forward to it. I'm also in gr 11 and have heard this years a bitch. So good luck, and I hope that you blog again soon!

Sister Libby said...

Ahhhh...that sucks. I'm taking AP English online...Well, I hope you enjoy your break. I enjoy breaks.

Sister Libby said...

I'm worried about veggies, honey. And I agree, I just don't want to be rude and like, bring my own veggies to the dinner table, you know? Suggesting fruit is so not lame. It's good for the world.

molly said...

wait wait wait...apparently when i was reading this post before, it didnt sink in that you were taking a blogging break.
but i understand...sometimes blogging, on top of everything else, is too much
ill just have to get my fix with your awesome profile. of COURSE you dont drink your own love potion! what were they thinking??

Sister Libby said...

You couldn't watch the whole thing? You are cold...

molly said...

i am actually soo touched (and not weirded out) that you thought of me when you saw george clinton!
really, thats all i aspire to

the girl in the picture with alex is cory kennedy, if you know who that is haha
i dont blame you for thinking it was alexa though

Sister Libby said...'re commenting but not posting. If you add up all the time it takes to comment, you could so do a post. Sorry...disgruntled fan here.

Sister Libby said...

COME BACK!!! I liked your blog :) PLEASSE? No pressure though...