Wednesday, June 4, 2008

But WAIT! It IS my birthday!

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Yes folks, I am indeed sixteen today. Woot. Woot woot. Sixteen for me means DRIVING, which is important for kids who go to Catholic school since our friends aren’t all from the same district. Birthdays are so weird. It’s like I should feel different, or extra special, or something, but I don’t. It’s not like I did anything to deserve recognition. I’m not the one who went through hours of labor and pushed a baby out. All I did was nestle in the womb and cry a lot.

Is this getting too graphic? So be it.
School’s over very shortly, so I’ll be able to blog to my heart’s content. Hopefully I’ll have some interesting posts, since I’ve been MIA for a while.

OH MY GOD SUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“The Remedy” by Jason Mraz. C’mon. Admit it. You totally loved this song in middle school.


Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! good luck with the driver's test and exams!

haha i was never a mraz fan, but i know all of the words to that song ;)

oh i saw your sidebar w/ deathly hallows & HP is my bible too :) I figured next yr when I'm spazzing in college I won't turn to jesus or ben & jerry, but jkr hehe

Sister Libby said...

Happy birthday! And don't sweat the drivers's pretty easy. And you totally called me out on being a jason mraz fan. Isn't it exciting that schools almost out? ONE MORE WEEK!!!

Snookums said...

Three important facts.

1) I still love Mraz's "The Remedy".

2) I got broken up with on my sweet sixteen. It's odd; 16, the year I built up in my head when I was young, to be the year of the best birthday ever, in actuality, turned out to be the worst. It's the ones I expected nothing from that meant so much.

3) The oddest thing ever... I have my driver's permit and have for nearly 7 months now. But I've never drived. Because my father, who was going to teach me how, is too afraid to let his "little girl" drive. He doesn't think I'm ready to.
Which annoys me, due to the fact that my permit kind of proves I'm ready.

Anyway, good luck on your driver's test, happy belated birthday, and YOU'VE got the remedy.

Lovely blog, as usual.
Keep at it!