Hello. My name is Anna and I am addicted to finding a pair of ELECTRIC BLUE SUEDE BOOTS. I need your help. If anyone comes across some, LET ME KNOW. Here, I even made a pretty little picture to aid in your search, because that's how I spend the last day of summer vacation.
I read about them in The Principles of Love series (haven't read it? GO!!!!) and ever since, I've lusted after these unattainable boots that don't seem to exist. It's so sad. Why must the publishing world tease me so? All I do is support them, buy their goddamn books. And how do they repay me? By publishing an already incredible book, but adding ELECTRIC BLUE SUEDE BOOTS to tantalize me. As in, "Hahahaha. You will NEVER attain these boots, suckaaaa."
On to my next point. I haven't knit in like 2 years, when I stopped working on the scarf I had been making my Grandpa for Christmas... a scarf I've told myself 5 CHRISTMASES NOW that I will finally finish and give to him. But I haven't touched it in a while. BUT, during the height of Harry Potter mania back in July, I came across these:
I had to put a thumbnail up because otherwise you wouldn't be able to see the whole picture and I wouldn't want that to happen.
HOUSE SCARVES!!!!!!! When I saw them, I said, "I HAVE to have one!" The order of the pictures (for the casual Harry Potter fans among us, which, come to think of it, probably includes exactly 0% of the blogging world) is GRYFFINDOR!!!, GRYFFINDOR!!!! (I always feel the need to yell GRYFFINDOR in this great growl of a voice, like the Sorting Hat in the first movie), Slytherin (BOOOOOOO!!!), Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff. This picture got me all excited about knitting (yes, you read that correctly), and I really think I'll crack down and get this done, unlike the scarf I was making before. How sad and wrong is that that I am excited about making a scarf for myself but I take 5 plus years to make one for my grandpa? Oh well, sorry, Pop-Pop.
I think I would make a Ravenclaw one because:
1) I've always thought I would be in Ravenclaw.
2) When I take those sorting tests online, I usually end up being put in Ravenclaw.
3) The gray and blue go with my black peacoat REALLY well.
So I think I'm going to knit the Ravenclaw one that the guy is wearing, but make it a bit thicker. It gets COLD at my bus stop. I'm actually excited about it! Ha.
*5 minutes later*
Ha! What did I tell you?
Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?
Alrighty, next order of biznass.
Now, as a disclaimer, I AM NOT EMO. I do not consider myself emo and non of my friends and acquaintances would consider me emo. But this book looked to good to pass up. And let me say, it was REALLY, REALLY good. It was written by two editors of Alternative Press which is a favorite magazine of mine, and, admittedly is a popular magazine with emo kids. But anyway, the writers use to book to slightly make fun of the emo culture while slightly glorifying it. There's a chapter on fashion, eating habits, film, music, literature, ideology, adulthood, and the internet. Obviously it's not going to up my IQ or anything, but it's a really fun read. I suggest it for the times you don't feel like diving into Kerouac or Austen.
I had to post this picture, because it is really cool. I took this picture of myself, and my friend Lily desaturated it. Isn't it like the coolest thing EVER. Lily's a computer whiz. She knows every inch of Photoshop.
Haaa note the crucifix on the wall. My mom likes me to have it there...
I figure it's safe to post, you can't really see my face.
Listen to: "The Artist" by The Hush Sound.
You painted me in pastels, colors that don't tell of any boldness. Because that's the way you'd love to see me, so delicate, so weak, so little purpose."
dude. now i want electric blue boots.
i just read your "28 Things I Do Not Understand" list. i agree with every SINGLE thing you said. and the peanut thing reminded me of how on the seat tray on an airplane it says "fasten seatbelt when seated." i've always wondered where else you would fasten your seatbelt. while standing up?
oh yes and i realized that this point/musing could be argued and proved stupid BUT if anyone tries ill probablly ignore them.
Love it, my dear A.
I haven't been able to blog recently, due to a ... gosh, I'm tired of saying it ... lapascopic appendectomy.
Anyway, never fear, I'm Ravenclaw, too. So we're not alone in this crazy Sorting Hat-esque world.
In fact, scores were like this:
Ravenclaw - 13
Hufflepuff - 11
Gryffindor - 8
Slytherin - 8
So clearly, I'm not GRYFFINDOR! or Slytherin (booo).
Hufflepuff always reminded me of marshmallows. So I'm glad I'm not a marshmallow.
Anyway, yes, I'll help you on your quest for electric blue love.
Well, when I'm officially allowed back on the Internet, I shall.
Love the blog, as always, love.
Keep at it!
Love your blog and, I'm afraid, I'm one of those old people who colored their hair at the first sign of gray. However, I must confess, the first silver strand reared it's ugly head when I was 19. Suppose it just became a habit. Additionally, my skin tone looks like crap with silver/dirty sidewalk color hair. x
blue suede? mmm, yummy. elvis was right in letting everyone know not to step on his blue suede shoes
ANNA! (Or shall I call you A.? It is more suave, isn't it?)
Where have you have gone?
Blogging has come to a halt.
And I would be a liar to say that I have not personally neglected my blog to the point that child services are prying it from my hysterically sobbing instinctively maternal hands.
Keep at it!
Or maybe the secret service people (.. I fully meant child service people) will show up at your door with a list of questions from here to Timbuktu.
... And scene.
How did I do?
hmmm i used to have some teal suede boots from delia's.... seems like the kind of thing they would have, so i would check there
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